Safety Tips

Welcome to our Safety Guidelines section. Here at Suggie, we prioritise your safety and security as an integral part of our dating experience. We believe that creating an environment where everyone can date comfortably and confidently is paramount. We urge you to read through these tips carefully and keep them in mind.

Protect Your Personal Information

While we've taken considerable steps to secure your personal data on our platform, it's important you also take precautions. Never share sensitive information such as your Social Security number, bank account or credit card details. Keep your login details confidential and report any suspected unauthorised use of your account to us immediately.

Stay on Platform

For your protection, maintain all communications with potential matches within our site's messaging system until you're ready to take the next step. This helps us monitor for any inappropriate activity and protects you from scams that might occur outside of our platform.

Your intuition is a powerful tool. If a situation or a conversation doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to end a conversation or report a user if you feel uncomfortable or suspect foul play.

Your intuition is a powerful tool. If a situation or a conversation doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to end a conversation or report a user if you feel uncomfortable or suspect foul play.

Be Wary of Financial Requests

Never respond to requests for financial help, particularly from individuals you've only met online. Scammers can be persuasive, so remember: anyone who asks for money or financial information is violating our terms and should be reported.

Research Your Matches

Don't just rely on profiles. Use search engines, ask questions, seek common social media connections, and generally do your own research to ensure the person you're connecting with is genuine.

Meet Safely

When you decide to meet in person, choose a public, well-lit location. Inform a friend or a family member about your plans: where you're going, who you're meeting, and when you expect to return. Consider using a ride-sharing service or public transportation for your first few meetings to protect your personal vehicle information.

Practice Safe Online Behaviour

Use strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and be wary of phishing attempts. Avoid clicking on suspicious links and always ensure your device's operating system, browser, and security software are up to date.

Safety During Your First Date

At Suggie, we understand that your first in-person meeting is a significant step. We're thrilled that you've made a connection on our platform and are progressing towards this exciting stage. Here are some tips to ensure your first date is as safe as it is enjoyable.

Choose a Public Meeting Place

For your first few dates, it's best to meet in public and populated places where many people are around. Avoid remote or private locations where you would be alone. Consider going to a popular restaurant, a city park, or a bustling coffee shop.

Inform Friends or Family

Always let someone close to you know where you're going, who you're meeting, and when you expect to be back. Consider sharing your date's contact information with them as well, just as an extra precaution.

Use Your Own Transportation

Using your own vehicle or a reliable ride-sharing service gives you the flexibility to leave whenever you want. It also protects your home address from someone you're just getting to know.

Stay Sober

Avoid or limit alcohol consumption on your first date. Staying sober allows you to make clear decisions and take care of your safety.

Your intuition is a powerful tool. If a situation or a conversation doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to end a conversation or report a user if you feel uncomfortable or suspect foul play.

Your intuition is a powerful tool. If a situation or a conversation doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to end a conversation or report a user if you feel uncomfortable or suspect foul play.

Be Independent

Carry enough money for transportation, or download a trusted ride-sharing app. Have a charged phone with you at all times. This makes you less reliant on your date and prepared for any unexpected situations.

>Respect Each Other's Boundaries

Communicate openly with your date about your boundaries and respect theirs as well. If you or your date isn't comfortable with something, it's okay to voice it out and take things slow.

Practice Personal Safety

Consider learning about basic self-defence or carry a personal safety device like pepper spray. While it's unlikely you'll need it, it can provide an added sense of security.

Always remember that our team at Suggie is here for you. If you encounter any problems or uncomfortable situations, don't hesitate to report it to us. Your safety is our utmost priority as we help you navigate your journey to love. Enjoy your date responsibly!